MATLAB: Plotting histogram of image data present in a stack

image analysisimage processingMATLAB

Hi All,
I have looked at the examples shown here to underetand how to plot histogram of a single image data. But
it's not clear to me how the data in a stack can be plotted.
For exmaple, I tried
f = "Test_Image.tiff";
img_data = imfinfo(f);
test_image stack.
This returns
double, uint8, int8, logical, uint16, int16, single, uint32, int32
Instead its type was struct.
Any suggestions?

Best Answer

iminfo just read the metadata of the image. Use imread() to read the image as matrix
f = "Test_Image.tiff";
img_data = imread(f);
If it is an rgb image, then first convert it to grayscale too
f = "Test_Image.tiff";
img_data = rgb2gray(imread(f));