MATLAB: Plotting graphs in matlab

plot graphspolynomials

The graph obtained by the following is not exactly the graph expected.
>>x=-5:0.01:5; >> h=(2.*x.^2 .*(x.^2 -6.25)./(4.053 .*10.^(-5)) – 2.*x.^2.*(x.*2-25)./(5.89.*10.^(-4)) + (x.^2 -6.25).*(x.^2-25)./(156.25)); >> plot(x,h);
For example, h=1 when x=0 but in the graph, it is not 1. Why is it? Am I missing something?

Best Answer

Your y-axis is 3*10^7. If you zoom you will see that where x=0 there is h=1.
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