MATLAB: Plotting graph by using looping

for loopgraphplot

I have a hard code pasted below: Can anyone help me reducing the amount of lines I have plotted by putting this into loop. I would like to plot nearly 10 curves on the same graph.
Q = 1
Q1 = 9
Q2 = 8
Q3 = 7
Q4 = 6
Q5 = 5
Q6 = 4
Q7 = 3
Q8 = 2
Q9 = 1
depth = Q^(2/3)/(3*(g)^(1/3))
depth1 = Q1^(2/3)/(3*(g)^(1/3))
depth2= Q2^(2/3)/(3*(g)^(1/3))
depth3 = Q3^(2/3)/(3*(g)^(1/3))
depth4 = Q4^(2/3)/(3*(g)^(1/3))
depth5 = Q5^(2/3)/(3*(g)^(1/3))
depth6 = Q6^(2/3)/(3*(g)^(1/3))
depth7 = Q7^(2/3)/(3*(g)^(1/3))
depth8 = Q8^(2/3)/(3*(g)^(1/3))
depth9 = Q9^(2/3)/(3*(g)^(1/3))
A = Wvaries.*depth
A1 = Wvaries.*depth1
A2 = Wvaries.*depth2
A3 = Wvaries.*depth3
A4 = Wvaries.*depth4
A5 = Wvaries.*depth5
A6 = Wvaries.*depth6
A7 = Wvaries.*depth7
A8 = Wvaries.*depth8
A9 = Wvaries.*depth9
V = Q ./ A
V1 = Q1 ./ A1
V2 = Q2 ./ A2
V3 = Q3 ./ A3
V4 = Q4 ./ A4
V5 = Q5 ./ A5
V6 = Q6 ./ A6
V7 = Q7 ./ A7
V8 = Q8 ./ A8
V9 = Q9 ./ A9
plot (Wvaries,V);
hold on
plot (Wvaries,V1);
hold on
plot (Wvaries,V2);
hold on
plot (Wvaries,V3);
hold on
plot (Wvaries,V4);
hold on
plot (Wvaries,V5);
hold on
plot (Wvaries,V6);
hold on
plot (Wvaries,V7);
hold on
plot (Wvaries,V8);
hold on
plot (Wvaries,V9);
hold on
grid on

Best Answer

I guess you are trying to do something like this
g = 1;
Wvaries = 1:10;
Q = [1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1];
depth = Q.^(2/3)./(3*(g).^(1/3));
A = Wvaries.*depth;
V = Q ./ A;
plot (Wvaries, V);