MATLAB: Plotting gps coordinates in Appdesigner

appdesignergeoplotgpsgps coordinatesgraphicsMATLAB

Hello everyone,
I have to plot a map in gps coordinates inside a UIAxes in Appdesigner, but using "geoplot" function the app plots the map in an other image outside the App. I tried give "app.UIAxes3" (which is the graph where I want to plot gps coordinates) as first argument of the function, but Matlab gives error saying that I have to use latitudinal/longitudinal coordinates.
Here is the code, and an image showing the map outside the app, instead i want the map in the UIAxes marked in red
%Function to plot TrackMap
function results = geoplotter(app)
Maybe is there another way to write geoplot function in appdesigner or a different functions to read and plot map in gps coordinates?
Many Thanks

Best Answer

Starting in R2018b, you can create additional plots in App Designer. Most of these plots require a different type of parent object and additional lines of code in your app. All of them use normalized position units by default.
For your case,
Create the geographic axes by calling the geoaxes function. Specify the parent container as the first input argument (for example, app.UIFigure). Then, call the plotting function with the axes as the first input argument. For example:
latSeattle = 47 + 37/60;
lonSeattle = -(122 + 20/60);
gx = geoaxes(app.UIFigure);
This might help you!