MATLAB: Plotting from an array at an interval

array indexingfor loopMATLABplotting

I am trying to plot two columns in an array. The x-axis represents months in the year and the y-axis is temperature values from each month. This data loops in my array in intervals of 12. I am trying to plot each year ( 12 months) as a seperate line on the plot. How can i do this?
My current code plots this as one line thorughout my plot.
for a = 1:length(skrar)
LH = load(skrar(a).name);
uni = unique(LH(:,2));
title(LH(1,1) + " Median " + LH(1,2) + " til " + LH(end,2))
manudir = {'Jan';'Feb';'Mar';'Apr';'Maí';'Jún';'Júl';'Ágú';'Sep';'Okt';'Nóv';'Des'};
An example of my data looks like this:
422 1882 1 -0.8 4
422 1882 2 -5.8 4
422 1882 3 -5.5 4
422 1882 4 -3.1 4
422 1882 5 2.0 4
422 1882 6 4.5 4
422 1882 7 6.1 4
422 1882 8 4.1 4
422 1882 9 5.3 4
422 1882 10 5.0 4
422 1882 11 -1.8 4
422 1882 12 -3.9 4
422 1883 1 -1.4 4
422 1883 2 -0.8 4
422 1883 3 -2.9 4
422 1883 4 3.0 4
422 1883 5 1.9 4
422 1883 6 8.9 4
422 1883 7 10.1 4
422 1883 8 7.7 4
422 1883 9 7.2 4
422 1883 10 2.9 4
422 1883 11 -0.2 4
422 1883 12 -1.0 4
Column 3 is the months and column 4 is the temperature
My current plot looks like this:

Best Answer

There are likely any number of ways to do this.
One relatively straightforward way:
ExData = [422 1882 1 -0.8 4
422 1882 2 -5.8 4
422 1882 3 -5.5 4
422 1882 4 -3.1 4
422 1882 5 2.0 4
422 1882 6 4.5 4
422 1882 7 6.1 4
422 1882 8 4.1 4
422 1882 9 5.3 4
422 1882 10 5.0 4
422 1882 11 -1.8 4
422 1882 12 -3.9 4
422 1883 1 -1.4 4
422 1883 2 -0.8 4
422 1883 3 -2.9 4
422 1883 4 3.0 4
422 1883 5 1.9 4
422 1883 6 8.9 4
422 1883 7 10.1 4
422 1883 8 7.7 4
422 1883 9 7.2 4
422 1883 10 2.9 4
422 1883 11 -0.2 4
422 1883 12 -1.0 4];
[Yu,~,ix] = unique(ExData(:,2));
Mnthc = accumarray(ix, ExData(:,4), [], @(x){x});
Mnthm = cell2mat(Mnthc.');
plot(1:12, Mnthm)
manudir = {'Jan';'Feb';'Mar';'Apr';'Maí';'Jún';'Júl';'Ágú';'Sep';'Okt';'Nóv';'Des'};