MATLAB: Plotting ellipses around plotted points

handle graphicsMATLABplotting ellipses

I am trying to plot ellipses (defined by 4 points: 2 in the x direction & 2 in the y direction) around several plotted points. How do I plot these ellipses?
For example:
Point = (-103.618, 19.502);
Ellipse = x=(-103.618+0.0273) and (-103.618-0.0273);
y=(19.502+0.0127) and (19.502-0.0127).
The plot consists of several points all of which I would like to plot ellipses around but they are all in the same format.

Best Answer

You could try using the rectangle function. Take care to offset the 'Position' by the width and height to ensure that the center coincides with your center point. Set the 'Curvature' property to [1 1] as mentioned in the document to obtain an ellipse.
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