MATLAB: Plotting differential equations

differential equationsplotting

I would like to plot three differential equations in a graph and I don't know how to do it.
The equations are:
with initial values of: Cx=0.2, Cs=60, Cp=0
if any more information is needed please ask for it.
Thank you for your help

Best Answer

Please clarify your boundary conditions.
If they are Cx(0)=0.2, Cy(0)=0, Cz(0)=60, and if the equations are
diff(Cx(t), t) = .4*Cx(t)*Cy(t)/(2.5+Cx(t))
diff(Cy(t), t) = -.888*Cy(t)*Cx(t)/(2.5+Cy(t))-.3*Cy(t)
diff(Cz(t), t) = .340*Cy(t)*Cx(t)/(2.5+Cy(t))
then the overall solution is Cx(t)=0.2, Cy(t)=0, Cz(t)=60