MATLAB: Plotting data with min, max, mean value

mean valueplot

Hello, I need help with changing my output plot. I have computed data of temperature during whole year in one minute intervals. Plot of data looks like this:
Is there a way how to plot it and get graph for example like this one?
If it helps, I'm adding my simulated data. Thank you for any help.

Best Answer

doc boxplot % for starters...
I admit I've never used Matlab boxplot in anger; let's see...[ponder, piddle, ... ah, ok!]...
Takes a little klutzing around -- augment the shorter months with NaN to the length of the longest to create a rectangular array, then make a categorical grouping array 1:12 for each column.
Decided to see if could do with your sample data...turns out not too bad...
l1=(eomday(2015,1:12))*24*60; % days in month for non-leapyear to minutes
l2=cumsum(l1); % cumulative for indexing into 1D vector
t=nan(31*24*60,12); % preallocate NaN
i1=1; % allocate to rectangular array...
for i=1:12
NB: Remember I'm at R2012b; newer datetime class may be somewhat simpler. Also, if you could generate/retrieve the data initially in the orientation desired might make it a little simpler to not have to do the rearranging--altho it's not too bad...
You don't have to rearrange; if you create a grouping variable of the same length as the vector that is the corresponding month for that column, then (other than perhaps memory issues) boxplot will work for that. I did a very trivial example of just 20 or so elements with three groupings to test the theory but it did work, apparently correctly.
The grouping for the categorical variable then needs must be
to reflect the levels only since they're no longer unique as in the other method. I don't know how to manipulate the new categorical that seems missing these methods from the old Stat Toolbox implementation.