MATLAB: Plotting data set, within a function, via a file list


Hello All,
I have a situation where I need to input a dataset number to a function and have that function filter all the variables and plot a select few that pertain to that dataset. I have the filtering portion working correctly, but i can for the life of me figure out how to get it to plot.
Here is a really simplified version of what im trying to do in my base workspace lets say I have some time domain data
1_A={1 2 3;4 7 3};
2_A={1 2 3;5 1 9};
2_B={1 2 3;4 5 0};
and then a function
function []=PlotThis(DataSet);
fileList = evalin('base','who');
(do a whole bunch of stuff which looks at fileList and picks out data sets associated with dataSet#2 producing a new list of just those I want to operate on which woudl look like this)
dataSetName = {2_A;2_B} for instance
for i=1:length(dataSetName)
this is where my problem is, how to I get matlab to realize the string '2_A' in dataSetName is actually a variable in the base workspace?
Any and all help is appreciated

Best Answer

plot(evalin('base', dataSetName{i}));
work? Assuming that 1_A, 2_A, etc. are actually vectors not cell arrays.
evalin('base', sprintf('plot(%s)', dataSetName{i}));