MATLAB: Plotting data from a table with a datetime in it, monthly records

datetimemonthly recordsplottingtableweather

I want to plot monthly records for my weather station. My weather station outputs a csv file that looks like this:
"Timestamp","Outdoor Temperature","Outdoor Humidity","Dew Point","Heat Index","Wind Chill","Barometric Pressure","Rain","Wind Speed","Wind Average","Peak Wind","Wind Direction","Indoor Temperature","Indoor Humidity"
"8/7/2016 8:12:00 PM","75.7","74","66","77","76","29.85481","27.41","0","0","3.728227","180","83.4","53"
"8/7/2016 8:24:00 PM","74.8","71","65","76","75","29.88434","27.41","0","0","3.728227","180","84","55"
"8/7/2016 8:36:00 PM","73.9","71","63","75","74","29.88434","27.41","0","0","1.864114","202.5","84.2","54"
"8/7/2016 8:48:00 PM","73.2","72","63","74","73","29.88434","27.41","0","0","1.242742","180","84.2","52"
"8/7/2016 9:00:00 PM","72.3","73","62","73","72","1012","27.41","0","0","0","180","84.2","52"
"8/7/2016 9:12:00 PM","71.6","74","62","73","72","1012","27.41","0","0","0","157.5","84","52"
"8/7/2016 9:24:00 PM","70.9","76","63","72","71","1013","27.41","0","0","0","180","84.2","52"
My current code is as follows:
%%Graph daily, monthly weather maps, and show records for each month
weather = xlsread('acuriteweather.xlsx');
getdate = readtable('acuriteweather.csv');
% %%Change table values to categorical array
getdate.Timestamp = categorical(getdate.Timestamp);
% Pull out relevant variables to be graphed, daily and monthly
date_array = datetime(cellstr(getdate.Timestamp),'InputFormat','MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm');
temperature = weather(:,1);
RH = weather(:,2);
dew_point = weather(:,3);
for date_array.Month == 12
maxtemp = max(temperature);
avgtemp = mean(temperature);
mintemp = min(temperature);
maxRH = max(RH);
averageRH = mean(RH);
minRH = min(RH);
maxDP = max(dew_point);
avgDP = mean(dew_point);
minDP = min(dew_point);
% Plot monthly records
monthly = [maxtemp avgtemp mintemp; maxDP avgDP minDP; maxRH averageRH minRH];
values = {'Temperature ºF', 'Dew Point ºF', 'Relative Humidity'};
set(gca, 'YGrid', 'on', 'XGrid', 'off')
yticks([-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100])
title('Records for Month')
I am only able to get my variables for all of my data, which spans August 2016 to September 2017. I cannot figure out how to get the maximum, average, and minimum for each month for respectively.

Best Answer

Which version are you using? If it's 2016b or later, please use a timetable. You seemed to be trying to calculate monthly mean, min and max which is similar to the question here. Please take a look at my answer there. link:
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