MATLAB: Plotting data from a 4D cell.


I have a 4D cell with the following sizes A{17,10,16,10}(2,3). However, it only contains data on:
% A{d,sw,hLS,cv}
d= [4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 17];
sw = [1 2 4 6 8 10];
hLS=[2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16];
I would like to plot all the values of
in a 4D surface where
x= d
y= sw
z= hLS
values of A = color
This is the first time working with 4D cells and I have only plotted 2D plots.
I know there are the commands meshgrid(), surf(), scatter3() but I do not know how to apply them and how to format/extract my data. I was thinking of either doing a slanted/diamond/pryamid surface were hLS =16 is the highest points and hLS = 2 the lowest points. Or a 8 slices for the 8 levels of hLS.

Best Answer

% A{d,sw,hLS} A was averaged over cv first
layers=[2 6 10 16];
A([1:3,11,12,14:16],:,:)=[]; A(:,[3,5,7,9],:)=[];
function Plot4D( SGRAM,layers,last_layer)
[SW,PI,HLS] = meshgrid(sw,pi,hls);
SWslice = [];
PIslice = [];
HLSslice = layers;
surfHandless = slice(SW,PI,HLS,SGRAM,SWslice,PIslice,HLSslice);