MATLAB: Plotting color separation of an RGB image

colormaphistogramimage processing

Hi all,
I have two RGB photos of a beam of light on a wall that is separated into its colors by a prism. One can see the other picture shows more distinct and clear color separation in the horizontal direction, compared to the other, which is more smooth in nature. Question is, what would be the technique to plot this difference we see? I'm looking for a simple method to show on a single plot (or equivalent) that one is more gradual, and the other is more discrete. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance,

Best Answer

So, I came up with a different approach, but not sure how scientific this is. I converted both images to Lab color space, and calculated the color difference (Euclidian mean) to the "white point", which I defined for both images to be around the center of the whitest region. Now we can observe a greater derivative for the image with more clear color transitions - red plot, while the blue plot keeps it more flat.
Be free to argue, but unless none, I will accept my answer :)
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