MATLAB: Plotting Climate Division by Latitude and Longitude on Map

climate divisionlatitudelongitudemapplotpolygonstate

Hello. I have a map of the state of Nebraska I plotted by using the following:
nebraskahi = shaperead('usastatehi', 'UseGeoCoords', true,...
'Selector',{@(name) strcmpi(name,'Nebraska'), 'Name'});
geoshow(nebraskahi, 'FaceColor', [0.3 1.0, 0.675])
mlabel off; plabel off; gridm off
hold on
and on that map I want to outline one of the climate divisions in Nebraska. I have the longitude and latitude of that climate division boundary here
lat =[43 43 43 42.8359 42.8305 42.6631 42.1351 42.1123 42.0358 42.032 41.7492 41.7455 41.3734 41.3734 41.3895 41 41 41 41 42.2557 42.2557 43];
lon=[-104.03 -102.0276 -102.0276 -102.035 -101.9827 -101.9971 -102.0106 -101.9682 -101.9652 -102.0229 -102.0172 -101.9539 -101.9553 -101.9553 -102.0146 -102.0302 -102.0302 -104.02 -104.02 -104.0263 -104.0263 -104.03];
but can't figure out the right way to plot this onto a map. Anything helps, thank you in advance.

Best Answer

Specifying the axes in geoshow appears to work for me.
ax = usamap('Nebraska');
nebraskahi = shaperead('usastatehi', 'UseGeoCoords', true,...
'Selector',{@(name) strcmpi(name,'Nebraska'), 'Name'});
geoshow(nebraskahi, 'FaceColor', [0.3 1.0, 0.675])
mlabel off; plabel off; gridm off
lat =[43 43 43 42.8359 42.8305 42.6631 42.1351 42.1123 42.0358 42.032 41.7492 41.7455 41.3734 41.3734 41.3895 41 41 41 41 42.2557 42.2557 43];
lon=[-104.03 -102.0276 -102.0276 -102.035 -101.9827 -101.9971 -102.0106 -101.9682 -101.9652 -102.0229 -102.0172 -101.9539 -101.9553 -101.9553 -102.0146 -102.0302 -102.0302 -104.02 -104.02 -104.0263 -104.0263 -104.03];