MATLAB: Plotting circles on a 2D graph

3d plotsgraphMATLABplotting

Hello everyone,
I'm trying to plot a graph showing distribution of some data with different size. So I need to plot it on a 2D graph according to size. So basically I would like to define where the droplets are on the x axis according to size as the y will be 0 except for the the initial beige amount of droplets. How do I define the position on the x-axis and the frequency of the droplets and the best way to project it on to these two axes? For example, the 2000 micrometer is on the y-axis at 0 and x-axis 0.06m.

Best Answer

If you know radius and center of cricle, you can plot circle as below:
C = rand(1,2) ; % center of circle
R = 1. ; % RAdius of circle
th = linspace(0,2*pi) ;
x = C(1)+R*cos(th) ;
y = C(2)+R*sin(th) ;
In your case, you can use scatter also. Read about it.