MATLAB: Plotting all on same figure


How would I plot this all in the same figure? It should have 4 diffrent functions plotted on the same figure.
clc, clear, close all
mu= 0.0016; %blood dynamic visosity Pa*s or Ns/m^2

dp_dz=-40.96; %N/m^2;

inner_radius=.0125; % meters

r=linspace(0,inner_radius,100);% inner radius is .0125

xlabel('Velocity in z direction')
ylabel('Radius in meters')
title('Aorta: Velocity Profile as a funtion of radius')

clc, clear, close all
mu= 0.0016; %blood dynamic visosity Pa*s or Ns/m^2
dp_dz=-4800; %N/m^2;
inner_radius=.002; % meters
r=linspace(0,inner_radius,100);% inner radius is .0125
xlabel('Velocity in z direction')
ylabel('Radius in meters')
title('Aorta: Velocity Profile as a funtion of radius')
mu= 0.0016; %blood dynamic visosity Pa*s or Ns/m^2
dp_dz=-166116; %N/m^2;
inner_radius=.000015; % meters
r=linspace(0,inner_radius,100);% inner radius is .0125
xlabel('Velocity in z direction')
ylabel('Radius in meters')
title('Arteriole: Velocity Profile as a funtion of radius')
mu= 0.0016; %blood dynamic visosity Pa*s or Ns/m^2
dp_dz=-600000; %N/m^2;
inner_radius=.000004; % meters
r=linspace(0,inner_radius,100);% inner radius is .0125
xlabel('Velocity in z direction')
ylabel('Radius in meters')
title('Capillary: Velocity Profile as a funtion of radius')

Best Answer

Remove clc, clear and close all.
Use hold on after the first plot command. Also defining xlabel() , ylabel() and title() once is enough, you don't have to repeat it.
The appropriate way is to use subplot() because the scales of each graphs are different. You can just loop to construct the subplots.