MATLAB: Plotting a single vector out of a multidimensional array

MATLABmultidimensional arrayplot

I've got an M-file that calculates error data and stores it in a multidimensional array. 1st Dimension determines which dataset I refer to, 2nd dimension determines which sensor in a multi-sensor array the measurements are from, and the 3rd dimension is finally the calculated error at each point of the original signal.
I'm thus just using a multi-dimensional array as a way to store all of the error vectors in a single structure. But, when I try to plot a single error vector at given index values for the 1st and 2nd dimensions using the plot command, I get matlab errors:
"Error using plot Data may not have more than 2 dimensions"
Why won't that work? I've specified a 1-dimensional set of data for it to plot, but it won't do it? How should I approach this differently?

Best Answer

You have two singleton dimensions when you index Xhat(1,3,:). Look at the following:
>> A = rand(2,3,4) ;
>> v = A(1,2,:)
v(:,:,1) =
v(:,:,2) =
v(:,:,3) =
v(:,:,4) =
>> size(v)
ans =
1 1 4
>> v = squeeze(A(1,2,:))
v =
>> size(v)
ans =
4 1
If you don't index across datasets too often, I would recommend switching your dimensions, e.g having sensor x point x dataset. This would simplify the indexing and make it (much) more efficient if you have large datasets.