MATLAB: Plotting a radial function f(r), in a 3d isotropic way, with axes (x,y,z=f(x^2+y^2)).

3d plotsplot

I have a function f(r), where r=sqrt(x^2+y^2). In my data r, is an array which takes values from [0,8], for example: f(r)=sin(r). I don't have data for an array of x or y seperately. The function is perfectly isotropic. How can I create a 3-dimensional plot, where the function f(x^2+y^2) is presented versus x and y in the correct range?
Further explanation:
The vector of the values of f(r) is given. It was calculated from some numerical simulation (I don't have its analytic form). I don't have the vectors for x and y. The function is isotropic, so one can imagine that I just draw the same curve f(r) in every direction. But the problem I encounter for example, is how to create the vector Theta, x and y, so that they will have the correct number of sites, like f(r), and that they will represent f(r) in the 3-dimensional plot.

Best Answer

I reshaped my code.
Lets say that we have loaded values of r and f(r) from a file. Cause I haven't these files , I must create these values.
Then for every value of r , I rotate a vector of length r , in order to take values of x and y. This is a reason for the arbitrary creation of this angle, which varies from 0 to 2pi.
For any given value of r, we have f(r) from our file and a very dense set of possible pairs (x,y) which form a vecor with magnitude r. In that way we can claim that we have "transformed" our function from f(r) to f(x,y) .... in fact to f(sqrt(x^2+y^2))
clc; clear; close all;
%%input data ( predefined)
% values of r (they are predefined and stored to a file)
% values of f(r) (they are predefined stored to a file)
%%creation of x and y and connect them with f() stored values
% Angle between 0 and 2*pi, with arbitrary small step
% (small step means better accuracy)
% creation of x and y
for n=1:length(r)
x=[x xtemp];
y=[y ytemp];
f_xy=[f_xy f(n)*ones(1, length(xtemp))];
plot3(x,y,f_xy); zoom on; grid on;
xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); zlabel('f');
grid on; zoom on;
..if you run the script you will receive this: