MATLAB: Plotting a normalised histogram graph


Hi there,
I've imported a column vector of 3000 'distances traveled' values.
I am hoping to plot a graph similar to this one
I'm only interested in plotting the blue bars
I'm fairly new to matlab, could somebody please advise me on how I would to this.
For the blue bars would I need to normalize the data first and then plot a histogram chart? What function would I use?
Many thanks

Best Answer

Dear John,
Let say you have distance in D. You first have to take Histogram. For histogram if you know the number of bins then can give it as input or by default value will be applied. In given figure there are I assume 140 bins. So your code goes as follow:
h = hist(D,140); %D is your data and 140 is number of bins.
h = h/sum(h); % normalize to unit length. Sum of h now will be 1.
bar(h, 'DisplayName', 'Travel Distance');
Do let me know If I answered your question correctly.