MATLAB: Plotting a legend inside of a function with multiple variable names

plot legend cell

I am having trouble figuring out this issue, basically I have a plot with several x,y sets plotted and I want to apply a legend to the plot.
Something like this does exactly what I want:
figure, plot(1:1:10,1:1:10,1:1:10,1:2:20)
However, I want to do this:
figure, plot(1:1:10,1:1:10,1:1:10,1:2:20)
var = {{'legstr','legstr2'},'Location','eastoutside'};
Basically, I want to do this so that I can determine "var" programmatically and pass it into a function. What is the proper syntax to do this… I am betting it is something obvious.
The error I get is this:
Error using legend>process_inputs (line 517)
Cell array argument must be a cell array of strings.
Error in legend>make_legend (line 303)
[orient,location,position,children,listen,strings,propargs] =
process_inputs(ha,argin); %#ok
Error in legend (line 257)
[~,msg] = make_legend(ha,args(arg:end),version);

Best Answer

var = {{'legstr','legstr2'},'Location','eastoutside'};
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