MATLAB: Plotting a function over time using a for loop

for loop

I've been trying to set a matrix equal to the results of two functions over a range, but am not having any luck. Can someone proofread for me?
x1 = [1:0.01:3];
%set x to a variable from 1 to 3
for x2=1:201;

Best Answer

I improved it some for you and fancied up the graph but I still don't know what you want. Exactly what does "set a matrix equal to the results of two functions over a range" mean ? You have two function and two results from those functions: y1 and b1. Exactly how is the "matrix" supposed to use those two results? Set equal to the sum? The product? The ratio? What???
clear all;
close all; % Close any prior figure from this program that we have open.
fontSize = 25;
numberOfPoints = 50;
% Set x1 to 50 values from 1 to 3.
x1 = linspace(1, 3, numberOfPoints);
% Preallocate space for other arrays.
b1 = zeros(1, numberOfPoints);
y1 = zeros(1, numberOfPoints);
% Loop, assigning values to y1.
for k = 1 : numberOfPoints;
% Get this x value from x1 array.
this_x = x1(k);
% Calculate b1.
b1(k) = sin(this_x) + 1;
% Calculate y1
y1(k) = this_x + exp(-this_x/2);
% Plot y1 as a function of x1.
plot(x1, y1, 'b+-');
hold on;
% Plot b1 as a function of x1.
plot(x1, b1, 'ro-');
grid on;
% Set x and y limits on the axes.
xlim([0, 3]);
ylim([0, 4]);
% Set titles
title('Some functions', 'FontSize', fontSize);
xlabel('x1', 'FontSize', fontSize);
ylabel('y1 and b1', 'FontSize', fontSize);
% Enlarge figure to full screen.
set(gcf, 'Units', 'Normalized', 'OuterPosition', [0 0 1 1]);