MATLAB: Plotting a curve from 2 excel columns

curve fittingexcelimporting excel dataplotplotting

I have two imported columns from Excel, the first one contains the time in HH:MM:SS Format in which the values in the second column were saved. I want to plot the columns against each other and form a curve with the time on the x-axis and the values on the y-axis, but I only get a figure with lines. Is there any code line that I can use to reshape the plotted line into a curve?

Best Answer

Thanks for sharing the tables.
After looking into the tables shared by you, I can see that the columns f1, f2 and f3 has two values in each cell separated by comma. In the code you are not separating these values before plotting, that is why your plots are not matching and giving error. I have used split function to separate these values and after splitting used the first colmumn for plotting, look into the documentation of split for more information. Below is your code with few modifications to plot frequencies correctly,
dimtime= H2BLSENSOR_MeanVoltDim.time; %Dimtime in [HH:MM:SS]
dimavg= sum(dim)/size(dim,1); %Average Value of dim in [V].
bll = H2_BLSENSOR_MeanVoltBll.Value; %bll variable column in [v]
blltime= H2_BLSENSOR_MeanVoltBll.time;%blltime in [HH:MM:SS]
bllavg=sum(bll)/size(bll,1); %Average Value of bll in [V]
timef1=H2_BLSENSOR_MeanVoltBll1.timef1; %Time Column for the 1st frequency interval.
timef2=H2_BLSENSOR_MeanVoltBll2.timef2; %Time Column for the 2nd frequency interval.
timef3=H2_BLSENSOR_MeanVoltBll3.timef3; %Time Column for the 3rd frequency interval.
f1=H2_BLSENSOR_MeanVoltBll1.f1; %1st frequency intervall
f2=H2_BLSENSOR_MeanVoltBll2.f2; %2nd frequency intervall
f3=H2_BLSENSOR_MeanVoltBll3.f3; %3rd frequency intervall
v1=H2_BLSENSOR_MeanVoltBll1.Value;%Voltage Value 1
v2=H2_BLSENSOR_MeanVoltBll2.Value;%Voltage Value 2
v3=H2_BLSENSOR_MeanVoltBll3.Value;%Voltage Value 3
F1 = double(split(string(f1(1:end-1)) , ","));
F1 = F1(:,1);
xticks([timef1(1) timef1(end-1)]);
yticks([F1(1) F1(end-1)]);
F2 = double(split(string(f2(2:end-1)) , ","));
F2 = F2(:,1);
xticks([timef2(2) timef2(end-1)]);
yticks([F2(2) F2(end-1)]);
F3 = double(split(string(f3(1:end-1)) , ","));
F3 = F3(:,1);
xticks([timef3(1) timef3(end-1)]);
yticks([F3(1) F3(end-1)])
hold on
plot(xdim,[dimavg dimavg],'r-','LineWidth',1);
xticks([dimtime(1) dimtime(end)]);
title('H2BLSENSOR_ MeanVoltDim [V]');
grid on
hold off
I am getting this figure as an output:
Last plot is not coming because you have not shared H2_BLSENSOR_MeanVoltBll table.
DISCLAIMER: These are my own views and in no way depict those of MathWorks.