MATLAB: Plotting a cell as a plot


I need to plot each cell in a 1×7 cell – each has a 2×15 double. I need them all on the same graph, just as different lines. So trac_speed{1} would be plotted with the first row on the x axis and second row on the y axis, and trac_speed{2} is a seperate line on the same plot. How can I do this?
I used the following code to generate the 1×7 cell:
trac_speed = cell(n:1);
for i = 1:n
trac_speed{i} = [(60*2*pi*r/(1609.344*total_ratios(i)))...
*Torque(1, 1:length(Torque)); (total_ratios(i)*0.224809/r)*...
Torque(2, 1:length(Torque))];

Best Answer

hold on;
for i = 1:length(trac_speed)
plot(trac_speed{i}(1, 1:15), trac_speed{i}(2, 1:15))