MATLAB: Plotting 3D surface for a variable dependent on 2 variables but the 2 variables are not monotically increasing function

#meshgrid #plotsurf

Can anyone help me in plotting a surface for a function which is dependent on two independent variables but the two independent variables are not monotically
increasing variable.Hence am facing issue in plotting the dependent variable based on independent variable.Can somebody please help

Best Answer

N = 100;
xvec = linspace(min(FirstIndependent), max(FirstIndependent), N);
yvec = linspace(min(SecondIndependent), max(SecondIndependent), N);
[X, Y] = ndgrid(xvec, yvec);
F = scatteredInterpolant(FirstIndependent(:), SecondIndependent(:), Dependent(:));
Z = F(X, Y);
surf(X, Y, Z);