MATLAB: Plotting 3D graph using measured points

3d3d plotsdataMATLABmeasuredplotpointsvisualisation

Hi, I have a question regarding finding a way to easily display my measured data as a 3D plot. How do I make the plot the easiest way? I have over 7000 data points and each data point contain a x-, y- and z-value.
This is a selection of the data I wish to visually represent in [x, y, z] format:
[250, 24, 30]
[256, 50, 41]
[260, 67, 42]
[268, 65, 46]
[270, 28, 35]
I have a hunch the z-value is some kind of function to the x and y value. Every data point should be considered as a coordinate in the xyz-room and I whish to put all my 7000 points in that image.
So my question is, how can I implement this? I've tried using the surf and mesh functions but haven't made any real progress.

Best Answer

Maybe try plot3.
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