MATLAB: Plotting 3D graph .

image processingMATLAB

I am plotting 3d graph (X,Y,Z). I am unable to change color with the change of Y not Z (as default). Please help me.

Best Answer

You have two choices:
  1. Create an hgtransform group. When you scatter3() or surf(), or patch(), exchange the Y and Z parameters, and set the Parent of the plot to be the hgtransform group. Set the transform matrix of the hgtransform group to exchange the Y and Z axes. Note that if you take this approach, datatips might perhaps have Y and Z exchanged. This technique cannot be used with plot3() because plot3() does not offer any option to color by depth or by point.
  2. For surf() or patch(), pre-calculate the color you want each node to be according to whatever you choose, and set the CData property effectively to the image you texturemap on top of the surface or patch; warp() can make this process easier. For scatter3() pre-calculate the color you want each point to be according to whatever you choose, and pass the color in as the 5th argument (X, Y, Z, Pointsize, Color). This technique cannot be used with plot3() because plot3() does not offer any option to color by depth or by point.