MATLAB: Plotting 3 independent data and 1 response (output)

data of 3 independent variables and data of one dependent variableplotting 3 independent data and 1 responseresponse surface

I have data of 3 independent variables and one output. you can think of it as 3 columns of data and one response variable. I wonder if I can plot a surface that shows the variation in the respons or output variable as the other 3 data variables change.
Thank you

Best Answer

What you are requesting would require a 4 dimensional plot. Let's call the output variable P and the inputs x,y,z. Several options exist:
1. Make surface plots of P on the vertical axis versus pairs of input variables, while holding the third variable constant: P vs x,y at fixed z; P vs y,z at fixed x; P vs z,x at fixedy.
2. Calculate a surface of constant P and make a 3D plot of that surface in x,y,z space. This sounds hard but Matlab has a great funciton, isosurface(), to make this easy.
The plots below illustrate option 1 (left) and option 2 (right), for the function
Code to make the figures is attached. The same color scale is used in both sets of plots. The left hand plots have p() on the vertical axis; the right hand plots show surface of constant p, in x,y,z space. For the plots on the right, I rotated each plot by hand to a perspective that I liked more than the default perspective, before doing the screen shot. When you hover the cursor over the plot area for a few seconds, some icons appear at the top right of the plot area. One icon is a little cube with a circular arrow around it. Click it. Then you can click and driag in the plot area to rotate it in 3D.