MATLAB: Plotting 3-D data in 2-D

3d plotplot

Hi again,
I have a 3D matrix (test=rand(3,3,4)) and I'm trying to plot each 2D entry through the third dimension [i.e. plot nine lines: (1,1,:),(1,2,:) and so on]. I'm not exactly sure how to do this, and can't get it to work with plot or plot3.
Any ideas?

Best Answer

test = repmat(magic(3),[1 1 4]); %each vector into the third dimension will be the same (so we can verify accuracy)
test2 = reshape(permute(test,[3 2 1]),size(test,3),[]); %permute it and reshape it so that each column represents one vector into the third dimension
plot(test2) %plot it