MATLAB: Plots the axis scale


I have two plots with the same x-axis but their y-axis are scaled differently. how do I make them the same scale?
Here is my plots command
zero_vector = zeros(size(Standard_error_positive_INFLP)); % just the straight line
% zero_vector = zeros(1,min(size(Z_pbw,1),size(W,1)));
plot(Confidence_interval_Negative_INFLPS(1,:), '-b')
title('Negative Inflection Points Confidence Interval')
hold on
plot(Confidence_interval_Negative_INFLPS(2,:), '-b')
%plot(, 'rp')
plot(zero_vector) % plot straight line at zero
hold off
plot(Confidence_interval_Positive_INFLPS(1,:), '-b')
title('Positive Inflection Points Confidence Interval')
hold on
plot(Confidence_interval_Positive_INFLPS(2,:), '-b')
% plot(, 'rp')
plot(zero_vector) % plot straight line at zero
hold off

Best Answer

You may have to use two y-axes, with the new yyaxis or older plotyy functions.
Also see the documentation on Axes Properties (link) if you need to adjust either one to create the scaling you want.
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