MATLAB: Ploting two different vectors in the same figure


Hi, I have two vectors v1=[0; -1/sqrt(2);1/sqrt(2)]; and v2=[0; 1/sqrt(2); -1/sqrt(2)]; which I am trying to plot on the same figure, with diffrent colors and the end and start points with stars (*). But when I do this and click "run" I get an error "Incorrect dimensions for matrix multiplication. Check that the number of columns in the first matrix matches the number of rows in the second matrix. To perform elementwise multiplication, use '.*'." Is there a simpler way of writing this?
v1=[0; -1/sqrt(2);1/sqrt(2)];
a = v1*t;
v2=[0; 1/sqrt(2); -1/sqrt(2)];
b = v2*t;
plot3(a(:,1),a(:,2),a(:,3),'lineWidth',2,'Marker','*', 'r' );
hold on
plot3(b(:,1),b(:,2),b(:,3),'lineWidth',2,'Marker','*', 'g');

Best Answer

Use element-wise multiplication, then transpose ‘a’ and ‘b’ to use the references in your plot3 calls. Alos, specifically use the 'Color' name-value pair.
Try this:
v1=[0; -1/sqrt(2);1/sqrt(2)];
a = (v1.*t).';
v2=[0; 1/sqrt(2); -1/sqrt(2)];
b = (v2.*t).';
plot3(a(:,1),a(:,2),a(:,3),'lineWidth',2,'Marker','*', 'Color','r' );
hold on
plot3(b(:,1),b(:,2),b(:,3),'lineWidth',2,'Marker','*', 'Color','g');
hold off
grid on
I added grid on to give a reference in the plot.