MATLAB: Plot3(X,Y,Z)

grid offgrid onplot3(xyz

Consider a function ? = 2?exp((?^2+?^2)) with x and y on [-2, 2]. Create a line plot in 3-d using plot3(X,Y,Z).
Here is my code so far, please recommend how I fix this:
[X Y]=meshgrid(x,y);
Z = 2.*X.*exp(-(X.^2+Y.^2))
grid on
Is grid on or grid off required to make a this work? Why do we use it? Is it optional?

Best Answer

With plot3, you do not have to use meshgrid. Just create a vector a X values, a vector of Y values, and compute your Z values from the equation.
Whether grid needs to be on or off is up to whomever is grading your assignment. When it is on, it adds a grid to the axes. It does not affect how the plot behaves, just it's appearance.