MATLAB: Plot3 gives strange plot

3d plots

I want to plot 3 signal for comparision as in 3d view, so that I can clearly observe the change in different signals.
For an example I want to plot 3 sin signals with different frequencies.
t = [0:0.1:20];
A = 1;
f = 10000;
y1 = A*sin(1000*t);
y2 = A*sin(1250*t);
y3 = A*sin(1500*t);
the plot is very strange. where have I gone wrong ?
If i do as plot3(y1,y2,y3,t); it gives error as no enough arguments. Please suggest me how can i plot as the first figure

Best Answer

John thanks for your reply, but I was concerning about plot as first figure not the second ones i misunderstood the plot3, here is my code and what i wanted to plot that as
t = 1:100;
x1 = ones(1,100);
x2 = 2*x1;
x3 = 4*x1;
s1 = sin(t);
s2 = sin(2*t);
s3 = sin(4*t);
hold on;
hold off;
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