MATLAB: Plot3 error bars

error barplot3

Hi all, does anyone know how I might add an error bar to a data point along the Z axis for a plot3 plot?

Best Answer

The errorbar function is only defined for 2D plots.
Here’s one approach to plotting errorbars with plot3:
x = rand(10,1); % Create Data

y = rand(10,1); % Create Data
z = rand(10,1); % Create Data
errl = rand(10,1)/5; % Error Bar Low Limits
errh = rand(10,1)/5; % Error Bar High Limits
plot3(x(:)', y(:)', z(:)') % Plot Data
hold on
plot3([x(:),x(:)]', [y(:),y(:)]', [-errl(:),errh(:)]'+z(:)', '-r') % Plot Error Bars
hold off
grid on
These error bars don’t have crossbars at the ends, and it’s not immediately obvious to me how to add them.
plot3 error bars - 2019 05 18.png
Plotting a dot marker at the ends is one option, using '.-r' (instead of '-r') as the LineStyle.