MATLAB: Plot with a lag, Part 2


"Suppose I want to have plot of lagged x and y that belong in table T. For example, I want to have a plot that the first element of T.x is paired with second element of T.y, the second element of T.x is paired with the third element of T.y, etc. Please advise."
Now I would like to generalize the question as follows:
Suppose I have x,y,z all belong in table T. I want to have a plot of x and y, and with hold on, a plot of x and z one period push ahead (for example, x in 2016 and z in 2015 are paired.)
Please advise.

Best Answer

Note that the length of vectors should be the same in order to apply the function 'plot'. So as you require to plot a delayed version of 'z' with 'x', the lengths should still match. Here is a sample code to help you:
x=[0 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20];
y=[0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 0 5 0];
z=[0 2 3 1 4 5 6 7 5 6];
hold on;
You can populate the values 'x','y' and 'z' from the relevant table in your case, but make sure that the length of 'z' should be one more than that of 'x' or 'y'.
Hope this helps
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