MATLAB: Plot two spectrum plot in one spectrum plot


Hi ,
I have a question regarding plotting of two spectrum plots into one spectrum but resultant plot must be appended after the first plot.
I have saved spectrum as a figure.
I have read many threads all of them are supporimposing or making sub plots.
My query is that how to join one figure plot line with second figure plot line.
I have attached as a reference two figures.
Both figures have same x axis label(0-400) but I want resultant plot must have consistant values like 0 – 800.

Best Answer

Try this, using the two fig files you shared.
fig1 = openfig('Ichannel0_400_1.fig');
fig2 = openfig('Ichannel_400_1_800.fig');
ax1 = findobj(fig1, 'type', 'axes');
ax2 = findobj(fig2, 'type', 'axes');
l1 = findobj(fig1, 'type', 'line');
l2 = findobj(fig2, 'type', 'line');
l1.XData = [l1.XData l2.XData+l1.XData(end)];
l1.YData = [l1.YData l2.YData];
ax1.XLim = [min(l1.XData) max(l1.XData)];