MATLAB: Plot the orbit of a satellite


Hello everyone,
I have this MATLAB function satellit(t,x,model) provides the system of differential equations for the orbit elements x = (a e i O w M) of a satellite in an Earth orbit.
I have to write a function to compute the orbit of a satellite. In this function the user should provide model initial position x(0) and flight time tf. Finally I have to plot the satellite orbit in cartesian coordinates. However I'm struggling to do it. Could anyone help me ?
function dx = satellit(t,x,model)
dx = zeros(6,1);
a = x(1); % semi-major axis [km]
e = x(2); % eccentricity
i = x(3); % inclination [rad]
O = x(4); % longitude of the ascending node [rad]
w = x(5); % argument of periapsis [rad]
M = x(6); % mean anomaly [rad]
GM = 398600.4418; % graviational parameter in km^3/s^2
R = 6378.1370; % radius at equator in km
J2 = 0.0010826267d0; % Earth's J2 (WGS-84)
J3 = -0.0000025327d0; % Earth's J3 (WGS-84)
J4 = -0.0000016196d0; % Earth's J4 (WGS-84)
ac = a*a*a;
n = sqrt(GM/ac);
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

Here you go. The attached scripts produce these plots for the International Space Station. You can supply your own TLE for the satellite of interest. This does not include atmospheric drag or solar impacts. Would you like that as well - the special perturbations applied over time? Or did you just need the basic Kepler COE -> Cartesian transformations?
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