MATLAB: Plot Slice of pdeplot3D

cross-sectioninterp3?MATLABPartial Differential Equation Toolboxpdepdeplot3d

I would like to plot a slice of the pdeplot3D(model,'ColorMapData',U) at a certain y-Coordinate, so that the plot has a x-z-View and the results U are still defined by the ColorMap.
I have tried the slice-function, but this results in an error (Maximum variable size allowed by the program is exceeded.) This is what I tried with interp3:
But I got the error: The grid vectors must contain unique points. I understand, that my p-vectors are not unique, but how to solve the Problem?

Best Answer

Did you look at the examples in the documentation? There is one example showing how to save memory by evaluating only where needed. I think, too, that those examples show how to avoid the problem of non-unique points.
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation
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