MATLAB: Plot shows wrong y-axis labels


I am trying to plot a graph, but my y-axis labels are wrong. I have created an array for this reason: wavelength = linspace(747.067,802.822,1024); and I want to plot from 760 to 790. It looks that image is correct, but y-axis simply prints out all values from the wavelength array in order. x-axis is working properly although I did it in the same way. I don't know why this is happening. My code:
A = dlmread('c13_1.txt',',');
wavelength = linspace(747.067,802.822,1024);
y = linspace (-15,15,256);
h=pcolor( y, wavelength, transpose(A(:,2:1025)));
set(h,'EdgeColor','none'), set(gca,'Ydir','normal'),set(gca,'FontSize',12)
ylabel('Energy'), xlabel('k-space');
axis([-15 15 760 790 ])
Also attaching the plot itself:

Best Answer

Your plot is correct....actually you are confused with the axes....the y-axis you are talking about is wavelength and it is in proper range as given. See the below to avoid confusion:
% wavelength = linspace(747.067,802.822,1024);
x = linspace (-15,15,256);
y = linspace(747.067,802.822,1024);
A = rand(length(x),length(y)) ;
h=pcolor( x,y, transpose(A(:,2:1025)));
set(h,'EdgeColor','none'), set(gca,'Ydir','normal'),set(gca,'FontSize',12)
ylabel('Energy'), xlabel('k-space');
axis([-15 15 760 790 ])