MATLAB: Plot parabola with start, end and vertex points

parabolaplot parabolaplot three points

So I have three points and I would like matlab to plot them as a parabola. The points represent the path of a balls projectile motion and I know the start (0,0), end (2.062, 0) and high point (1.031, 0,73) of the parabola.
What I would like most would be to plot these points as a parabola and also calculate the equation for the parabola.
Thanks in advance 🙂

Best Answer

Another way to get the parabola is to write:
y = 0.73-a*(x-1.031)^2
which is the form it must have to peak at (1.031,0,73) and then set x and y to zero to force the parabola to contain (0,0) and solve for a. The solution is obvious. Then do a plot.
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