MATLAB: Plot not displaying x axis correctly


Hello, I am making a function that creates a y value for a range of x values, say -7 to 7. I enter in x = (-7:7), put it through the function, and get values for Y. but then, when I plot it, the X axis is labeled according to column rather than value, as in the axis displays 0 through 15 rather than -7 to 7. how do I fix this?

Best Answer

Show us code to prove it, but, from the symptom described you wrote something like:
which would display what you described (and have done precisely what you told MATLAB to do). With no x passed to it, plot doesn't know anything at all about the fact you defined x somewhere else; all it can do is use what it was given.
is the correct syntax.
HINT: Read the documentation before crying wolf! It'll be faster most of the time than waiting for somebody here to see and answer. :)
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