MATLAB: Plot Lines Displaying As Black (Plus Gradient?)

image processingMATLABplotplotting

I recently installed R2016a after having to replace my hard drive. Since then, every plot I draw comes out with what at first glance appear to be black lines, but on closer inspection appear to have a slight color gradient on them
For example, the following code:
x = linspace(0,2*pi,100);
y = sin(x);
generates the following figure:
This happens when I plot multiple series, too – even if I try and override the default color order. Legends display the correct colors, but the data series in the figure don't. The following image uses this color order command:
set(gcf,'DefaultAxesColorOrder', [0 0 1; 1 0 0; 0 0.5 0; 0 0.75 0])
Both of these worked correctly on older versions of MATLAB, including most recently R2015b (on the old hard drive on this computer).
I can't find anything in the Preferences dialogue that would affect this. Can anyone offer any advice on how to fix it? I have a conference coming up, and I need to make these figures presentable.

Best Answer

MATLAB support helped to fix the the problem, if not understand the cause. Running the command
opengl software
fixes it, and plots display normally.