MATLAB: Plot keeps coming up empty

emptyfigurefor loopgraphiterationsloopmeshgridplotplot (x

Hi, I am trying to plot a graph, but my graph keeps coming up empty without any plots.
My code is below and I would appreciate it greatly if anyone could spot where I've gone wrong.
hold on;
for i = 0:5
th = 0:pi/50:2*pi;
xv = i * cos(th); % for given value R
yv = i * sin(th); % R is the radius of the circle
rng default
xq = -1000:1000;
yq = -1000:1000;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(yq,xq);
[in,on] = inpolygon(X,Y,xv,yv);
Y = numel(X(in), Y(in))
E = abs(Y-pi*i^2)
plot(i, E)
grid on
hold off

Best Answer

plot(i, E, '*')
You are plotting one point at a time so you have no connecting lines. The default is no marker.