MATLAB: Plot graphic with 3 variables

3 variablescategories;dataplot

Hello everyone,
I want to plot a graphic with my data that is grouped by categories: level (0.03, 0.05 or 0.08) and 1/0 (category 1 or 0).
I want to plot time as a function of level (3 levels), split by category 1 and category 0, as shown in the drawing that i sketched.
How can I do it in matlab?

Best Answer

Following code shows the example to extract data and plot in on the axes
A = [1 0.03 0.51;
1 0.05 0.42;
1 0.08 0.45;
0 0.03 0.57;
0 0.05 0.47;
0 0.08 0.60];
split_matrix = splitapply(@(x) {x}, A(:,2:3), A(:,1)+1);
ax = axes();
for i=1:numel(split_matrix)
plot(ax, split_matrix{i}(:,1), split_matrix{i}(:,2), '.-', 'MarkerSize', 50, 'LineWidth', 2)
ylabel('Time (s)');
xlim([0.03 0.08])
ylim([0.2 0.6]);