MATLAB: Plot error. Character recognition error.


Hello everyone.
After executing the code below (which is an .m file):
!!!!! CODE ISNT MINE !!!!!
function digits = CarNumberRecognition(filename, verbosedrawing)
digits = {-1,-1,-1};
digits = cell2mat(digits);
digareas = struct;
%load ideal numbers
idealnum = struct();
for i=0:9
idealnum(i+1).Image = imread(['ideals/num' num2str(i) '.bmp']);
srcI = imread(filename);
srcImod = srcI;
colors = 'rgb';
srcImod = imadjust(srcImod);
srcImod = medfilt2(srcImod,[3 3]);
filt = fspecial('log',[7 7], 0.3);
srcImod = imfilter(srcImod,filt);
srcImod = srcImod(:,:,:) < 150;
srcImod = imopen(srcImod,strel('disk',2));
srcImod = bwlabel(srcImod,8);
Idata = regionprops(srcImod,'Area','Image','Orientation','BoundingBox','ConvexArea');
k = 1;
for i=1:length(Idata)
ratio = Idata(i).BoundingBox(3)/Idata(i).BoundingBox(4);
if Idata(i).ConvexArea > 500 && ratio < 7 && ratio > 2.5
bound = floor(Idata(i).BoundingBox);
numbers(k) = Idata(i);
numbers(k).Image = imcrop(srcI,bound);
k = k + 1;
%k = k-1; %
count = k - 1; % - 1
k = 1;
for i=1:count
srcImod = imrotate(numbers(i).Image, -numbers(i).Orientation, 'bicubic','crop');
srcIres = imresize(srcImod,[400 NaN]);
srcImod = imadjust(srcImod);
filt = fspecial('log',[7 7], 0.32);
srcIlog = imfilter(srcImod,filt);
srcImod = srcIlog;
srcImod = imresize(srcImod,[400 NaN]);
srcImod = srcImod (:,:,:) > 150;
sl = strel('disk',4); % 4

srcImod = imopen(srcImod,sl);
sl = strel('disk',4); % 4
srcImod = imclose(srcImod,sl);
probdigits = regionprops(srcImod,'Area','Orientation', 'Image', 'ConvexArea','BoundingBox');
PlateBounds = floor([numbers(i).BoundingBox(1),numbers(i).BoundingBox(2),0,0]);
for i=1:length(probdigits)
ratio = probdigits(i).BoundingBox(3)/probdigits(i).BoundingBox(4);
if probdigits(i).Area > 2200 && ratio < 0.7 && ratio > 0.1
ImageToTest = imresize(probdigits(i).Image,[200 200]);
c = zeros();
for j=1:10, c(j)= corr2 (ImageToTest,idealnum(j).Image); end
c = abs(c);
maxid = 3;
for j=2:10, if c(j) > c(maxid), maxid = j; end, end
if c(maxid) > 0.55
digits(k) = (maxid-1);
digareas(k).bound = PlateBounds + probdigits(i).BoundingBox;
k = k + 1;
if k==4, break, end
if verbosedrawing
hold on;
for i=1:k-1
rect = rectangle('Position',digareas(i).bound,'EdgeColor',colors(i));
plot (rect)
im having this error:
Error using plot
Not enough input arguments.
Error in CarNumberRecognition (line 80)
plot (rect)
Im executing code by using next command in Command window:
digits = CarNumberRecognition('957.bmp', 1)
All this staff must recognize numbers on license plates, but i can recognize only one (see picture below). Any suggestions how to recognize all three and get rid of an error?
P.S. – attaching my result, code and couple pictures of plates

Best Answer

That's a dumb line. Just delete it. The call to rectangle() dispays/plots the rectangle. The rect variable and the call to plot() are not needed.