MATLAB: Plot different tables date/time against other valuables


Hello everybody,
I had a question about plotting some numbers. I just started with matlab so I have not much of experience.
I like to get the values of "H_ventilation.t_supply_air_after_ventilation_unit" set against te date and time which is measured every 3 minutes. I hope somebody can help me to create a script for this problem. Thank you all in advance.

Best Answer

It's a little hard to test without your data, but give this a shot. It's just off the top of my head so you might have to adjust it a little:
y = [H_ventilation.t_supply_air_after_ventilation_unit]
t = [H_ventilation.time{:}]
plot(t, y, 'bo-', 'LineWidth', 2);
grid on;
xlabel('Time', 'FontSize', 22);
tlabel('Supply Air', 'FontSize', 22);