MATLAB: Plot different classes in different colors

plottwo different classes in the same figure

I' m doing a pca and I want make a general function to plot two different classes in different colors( blue square, red circle) in the same figure and i want to use this funtion in any other experiment
Resuming: for the data above, the values of class 1 must be in different color in the class 2 in the same figure
for example
Var1 Var2 Var*n* Class
2.3 0.22 12 1
2.4 0.23 11 1
2.8 0.21 15 2
2.1 0.21 16 1
2.9 0.23 14 2
Best regards Rafael

Best Answer

class1 = V(:,4) == 1;
plot3(V(class1,1), V(class1,2), V(class1,3), 'bs.');
hold on
plot3(V(~class1,1), V(~class1,2), V(~class1,3), 'ro.');