MATLAB: Plot date/time from matrix


I have matrix as follows:
'12-Jan-2012 14:22:00' [10]
'12-Jan-2012 14:23:00' [12]
'12-Jan-2012 14:24:00' [13]
I need to plot column 1 against column 2. Any help will be appreciated..

Best Answer

I guess u need:
a={'12-Jan-2012 14:22:00' 10
'12-Jan-2012 14:23:00' 12
'12-Jan-2012 14:24:00' 13};
c=datenum(a(:,1),'dd-mmm-yyyy HH:MM:SS');
plot(c,cell2mat(a(:,2))) % the mat2cell will only be required if you do not have double in column 2