MATLAB: Plot data with time


I'm trying to plot my data with time on the x-axis. My data has the following csv format:
13:05:48 1.33 5.15
13:05:53 2 5.2
13:05:58 2.1 4.88
There are 3 columns with column 1 being my time(HH:MM:SS) and column 2 and 3 being my data. How do I read then plot Column 1 time vs. my column 2 or 3?

Best Answer

[d,x,y]=textread('ivan.csv','%8s %f %f','delimiter',' ');
dn=datenum(d,'HH:MM:SS'); % ERRATUM: had lowercase in time format string
plot(dn,[x y])
Alternatively, use textscan or with the latest releases there's a new datetime object