MATLAB: Plot data from data file with unknown number of columns

data importlegendplot

Hi to every one. I am a novice to MATLAB. I am trying to plot figures from a data file. The data file is generated using a software. The number of columns is not fixed and can be changed according to requirement. I want to build a script which can read the file and then plot it. Another thing is that I want to put header line as the legends of the plot. I am attaching the data file as well as the plot. Your kind help would be highly appreciated.***
Time Pop1 Pop2
1.0000000E-08 4.097568E-006 2.211371E-005
2.0000000E-08 3.511726E-006 1.775795E-005
3.0000000E-08 2.828558E-006 1.429533E-005
4.0000000E-08 2.265553E-006 1.154281E-005
5.0000000E-08 1.816197E-006 9.354735E-006
6.0000000E-08 1.458834E-006 7.615319E-006
7.0000000E-08 1.174745E-006 6.232541E-006
8.0000000E-08 9.489138E-007 5.133246E-006
9.0000000E-08 7.693916E-007 4.259290E-006
1.0000000E-07 6.266799E-007 3.564453E-006
Currently, I am using this script, but it is not generating legend with the plot.
clear all;
close all;
A=dlmread('levelspp.dat','', 1, 0);
B=dlmread('levelspd.dat','', 1, 0);
xlabel('Time (s)')
xlabel('Time (s)')

Best Answer

YOu need not to know how many columns are present. You can use importdata to load the data.....and you can plot.
A = importdata('data.txt') ;
data = ;
t = data(:,1) ; % time
y = data(:,2:end) ;
l = legend ;
l.String = strrep(l.String,'data','Pop')
If you want the number of columns. Use size. size(data) should give you the number of columns.