MATLAB: Plot columns against each other depending on user input from imported excel file.

compare stringsloopsplot

I would like to plot the total_cases against days_tracked based on the country that is inputted by the user. The plotting of data is dependent on which country is inputted by the user, however if I for example put Australia as an input it does not plot.
I'm not sure if I have formatted the strcmpi properly as this might be where the problem is. I can't attached the excel file as it exceeds 5MB even as a zip file.
covid_data = readtable('owid-covid-data.xlsx');
%Extracting columns from excel
Total_cases = covid_data{:,6};
Days_tracked = covid_data{:,5};
Total_deaths = covid_data{:,9};
New_cases = covid_data{:,7};
New_deaths = covid_data{:,10};
Location = covid_data{:,3};
user_input= input('Please input a valid country','s');
all_countries = covid_data;
if strcmpi(user_input,Location)
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