MATLAB: Plot Button Callback: Labeling Resulting Plot Axes and Title

labeling axes and title

Good afternoon,
I am working on a project that requires a GUI to change gain values in a Simulink model, simulate the model with the values, store the results, and then plot the results. This GUI is similar to the f14ex provided on Matlab help.
With the plot button, I am able to produce the desired results plot from my model. However, it is a plain plot without labeled axes and title.
I am reading about axes handles and figure handles, but I am still having trouble getting the axes label and title to show. Is it because my handlevisibility is off?? Something so small is causing me great issues. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Below is the segment of code for my plot button callback.
% ———————————————————— % Callback for the Plot push button % ———————————————————— function PlotButton_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles) % hObject handle to PlotButton (see GCBO) % eventdata reserved – to be defined in a future version of MATLAB % handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
% Callback of the uicontrol handles.PlotButton. currentVal = get(handles.ResultsList,'Value');
% Get data to plot
legendStr = cell(length(currentVal),1);
plotColor = {'b','g','r','c','m','y','k'};
for ctVal = 1:length(currentVal);
PlotData{(ctVal*3)-2} = handles.ResultsData(currentVal(ctVal)).timeVector;
PlotData{(ctVal*3)-1} = handles.ResultsData(currentVal(ctVal)).outputVector;
numColor = ctVal - 7*( floor((ctVal-1)/7) );
PlotData{ctVal*3} = plotColor{numColor};
legendStr{ctVal} = [handles.ResultsData(currentVal(ctVal)).RunName,'; Tamb=', ...
num2str(handles.ResultsData(currentVal(ctVal)).TambValue),'; Velocity=', ...
num2str(handles.ResultsData(currentVal(ctVal)).VelocityValue),'; Load=', ...
% If necessary, create the plot figure and store in handles structure
if ~isfield(handles,'PlotFigure') || ~ishandle(handles.PlotFigure),
handles.PlotFigure = figure('Name','T660 Simulation Output','Visible','off',...
handles.PlotAxes = axes('Parent',handles.PlotFigure);
% Plot data
pHandles = plot(PlotData{:},'Parent',handles.PlotAxes);
% Add a legend, and bring figure to the front
% Make the figure visible and bring it forward
%endfunction PlotButton_Callback

Best Answer

The TITLE, XLABEL and YLABEL functions all take an axes as the first argument. So after you do the plotting, call the functions with the handle to the axes as the first argument.
xlabel(handles.PlotAxes,'My X')
ylabel(handles.PlotAxes,'My Y')